

Veneers are primarily used cosmetically to improve the shape, size, and colour of a patient's teeth. Usually the ones in the front. This can be accomplished through restructuring, improving the structure or colour of a tooth, and closing small gaps. Veneers have been used for nearly 50 years, and while the techniques have evolved, the purpose has remained consistent.

Today's veneers are intended to be a long-term solution for improving the appearance of a person's smile. They are bonded to the front of the teeth with thin ceramic shells. You may be wondering what we mean when we say "bonding." Bonding is the application of a tooth-coloured luting resin to the patient's tooth and thin ceramic veneer. Which then bond to the tubules in the tooth structure, resulting in incredible adhesion strength.

When would you use a veneer?

As previously stated, veneers are commonly used for cosmetic reasons, but they can also be used to treat a damaged tooth. In many cases, a chipped tooth can be repaired in the mouth with direct composite bonding, but a ceramic veneer is sometimes a better option.

Veneers will be used to accomplish the following goals:

The procedure is straightforward and can usually be completed in a few sessions.

We will begin with a planning process in which a member of the clinical team will assess your teeth, smile, and take x-rays. This will assist us in determining whether veneers are the best treatment option for you. We will never force you to undergo a treatment that you are not comfortable with; you are in complete control.

Our expert cosmetic clinicians will examine your smile and perform diagnostic planning of tooth shape, size, and overall smile. Your teeth are carefully and minimally prepared after you have had a chance to see and approve your new smile. This is accomplished by removing a small amount of enamel from the surface of the tooth.

Then, we'll take a digital impression of your teeth and send it to our "on-site" laboratory, where our technical experts will carefully craft your new ceramic veneers.

Once the veneers are completed, they will be bonded to your natural teeth. First, we will clean, polish, and roughen the tooth surface. This ensures that a strong and dependable bond is formed. We then use a special adhesive in conjunction with a high-intensity light to quickly harden the adhesive. Finally, we will examine your bite and ensure that you are satisfied with the appearance of your veneers. If necessary, we can make any final adjustments, including changes to the veneer.

If you would like to discuss veneer treatment or how we can reshape your smile, please schedule a consultation to go over your options.