Gum Recontouring / Gum Lift

Gum Recontouring / Gum Lift

A gum lift is also known as a gingival lift or a gingivectomy, with "gingiva" referring to gum tissue and "-ectomy" referring to surgical removal. A small amount of gum tissue is removed where your gums meet your teeth during the gum lift procedure. Because your top front teeth are visible when you smile and speak, this is usually only done on them.

Gum lifts are also referred to as gum contouring. When a procedure is referred to in this manner, it may be less about correcting a gummy smile and more about evening out the gum line. A few patients have more gum tissue surrounding the tops of some teeth than others, resulting in an asymmetrical smile. Gum contouring can correct this illusion and create a more even-looking smile without the use of braces.


A gum lift is frequently confused with a crown lengthening, which is a separate procedure that involves the removal of both bone and gum tissue. Gum lifts are only used to clear gum tissue. Gum lifts are not used to treat diseases. Other types of gum surgery associated with periodontitis (advanced gum disease) may have a cosmetic outcome but are performed for health reasons.

Because of recent advancements, gum lifts have become more appealing to patients. Gum lifts are now faster, nearly painless, and require much less recovery time thanks to advances in laser technology. Gum lifts were previously performed by making incisions and, in some cases, using sutures. Most dentists nowadays use a dental technology known as a soft tissue laser to gently remove gum tissue. As it excludes tissue, the laser cauterises blood vessels (burns them shut), resulting in less bleeding, less swelling, and faster healing times.

Sometimes gum lift is performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures as part of a smile makeover, such as after orthodontic treatment (braces). Veneers and bonding are two other methods for lengthening teeth that could be used instead of or in conjunction with a gum lift. If you have a gummy smile, a gum lift may be an option to improve the appearance of your smile.