Teeth Bonding

Teeth Bonding

Teeth bonding, also known as dental bonding, is a cosmetic dental treatment that can be used to quickly and painlessly improve the appearance of your teeth.

Teeth bonding involves the use of a resin that is gently applied to your teeth. This specialised dental putty can be used to fix or conceal a variety of dental issues, including:

Tooth Bonding Procedure:

During your initial consultation, our cosmetic dentist will examine your teeth and determine what you want to change or update about your smile.

If you decide to proceed with teeth bonding, you will be scheduled for another appointment to treat your teeth. Your dentist will choose a tooth-coloured resin that is similar to the colour of your own teeth. After that, your tooth will be prepared by gently etching the surface. A special conditioning liquid will be applied to your tooth, allowing the resin to adhere.

The resin will then be gently moulded to your tooth by your dentist. Once you and your dentist are satisfied with the appearance of the tooth, a laser will be used to seal the resin onto the tooth.

Your dentist will polish your teeth as the final step in the procedure. This will ensure a clean and even finish to your smile!

Dental bonding typically takes about an hour to complete, but treatment for more than one tooth will necessitate additional appointments.

Benefits of Tooth Bonding:

Contact us to learn more about teeth bonding and to schedule an appointment.