Scaling and Polishing

Scaling and Polishing

What is Scaling & Polishing of teeth?

Scaling and polishing teeth is a common dental hygiene procedure with numerous advantages. Plaque accumulates on teeth on a daily basis, as you are probably aware. To remove this plaque, we brush our teeth on a regular basis. Our teeth's surfaces, particularly the back molars, are extremely uneven. A toothbrush might not be able to reach every nook and cranny. When plaque accumulates in these difficult-to-reach areas, it hardens into tartar, which is extremely difficult to remove. Tartar can darken your teeth and make them look unsightly. A scale and polish can remove this tartar and restore the natural glow to your teeth.

How it’s done?

At one of our clinics, you can have your teeth scaled and polished by a highly skilled dental hygienist. This procedure is painless and quick. The dental hygienist would use a high-speed ultrasonic scaler to remove tartar from the gum line and tooth surfaces. The scaler will not be felt, and it will only be used for a few minutes.

Following the completion of the electric scaling, your dental hygienist will use a set of instruments to manually remove tartar from areas where the scaler cannot reach. The hygienist would make certain that no tartar remained. This is also a painless phase that will last no more than five minutes.

When all food debris and tartar have been removed, the dental hygienist will start polishing the teeth. This is similar to brushing your teeth, except the dental hygienist usually uses a brush that rotates at high speeds and fluoride toothpaste. The procedure is similar to that of polishing teeth. When finished, your teeth will be bright and white, with little to no tartar.

Benefits of Scaling & Polishing:

Scaling and polishing your teeth remove debris from your mouth that your toothbrush cannot. This procedure can reduce the risk of cavities or infections caused by plaque or tartar significantly. Your back molar teeth will benefit the most, as they are usually difficult to reach and have awkward grooves.

Polishing your teeth will also make them look pearly white without the use of a teeth whitening agent. The procedure can restore your teeth's natural sheen in a very short period of time and at a very low cost.

This pain free procedure also gives your mouth feeling nice and clean, similar to after a thorough brushing session. If you have a plaque problem, you will feel much better right away.

A full scale and polish can be completed in a single day at a Sahas Dental Clinic. A visit will take no more than an hour.