Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is an endodontic procedure that removes the infected pulp of a tooth. It's also referred to as a "root-canal filling" or "endodontic therapy." By discarding all traces of infection in the pulp chamber and substituting it with filling material, this endodontic treatment aims to relieve tooth pain and restore tooth function.

Root Canal Treatment benefits:

When do I need root canal treatment?

Root Canal Procedure:

Root canal therapy is a significant procedure, but it is also one of the most commonly performed dental procedures. Most people are unaware of how to locate a dentist who is qualified to perform this procedure or where to go for root canal therapy in Chennai and the nearby region.

We are here to assist you with this! In our practise, our dentists at Sahas Dental Clinic have performed plenty of root canal treatments, and we're ready to take on yours.